Saturday, October 11, 2014

Eastern European Performance Tour

One of the unique opportunities that Butler Ballet provides is a summer tour to Eastern Europe to perform, take class and explore historical and culturally rich cities. As dance majors, our schedules do not allow for study abroad opportunities during the year, but this is trip is better than a normal abroad program as it centers around showcasing us as dancers. Led by Professor Marek Cholewa, we travelled to six cities in four countries in three and a half weeks, giving us an idea of what it is like to be a part of a touring company. Starting in Warsaw, we then travelled to Poznan, Bratislava, Vienna, Krakow, and Prague. The pieces we performed were choreographed by Senior dance majors and were well rehearsed before we left. The cost of the trip varies depending on the amount of people who decide to go, but does include at least two meals a day, any public transportation needed for the group, tickets to shows and spontaneous ice cream outings.

We were able to take class at some of the most renowned schools in these countries such as the National School of Ballet in Warsaw and Cracow. We then would perform for them in an intimate classroom setting or as a guest in their major performances. Professor Susan McGuire also set a Modern  class demonstration which taught other students so they could understand what we focus on at Butler. In addition, we were able to experience some of the historical and cultural landmarks of these major cities. We visited the birthplace and childhood home of Frederick Chopin, walked through dozens of palaces and museums, went to the largest underground salt mine and had the chance to visit Auschwitz and Birkenau. 

This trip was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. We often slept on sleeper trains between cities and woke up at 6am after a restless night to take class, rehearse our pieces and then learn about the history of these cities with tours through museums and castles. We were also given free time to explore, shop and eat on our own. Most days were planned out meticulously, but there were times when we were told to "live in the moment" as schedules changed quickly and had to be ready for class at a moments notice. As we started to wear out, caffeine and chocolate became our saving grace, but we never totally fell apart from the strain of travel due to our ever-changing, beautiful surroundings.

Emmie Dietz, a Junior, thought to record our trip to show faculty and other students. It was also a great way to look back at the memories we had made from this bonding trip. I put the link below so all of you can watch it as well! Professor Cholewa offers this trip every other year and it is open to all dance majors, so if you do decide to come to Butler, this is one experience you do not want to miss out on!

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