Friday, August 8, 2014

New Year, New Blog!

Welcome to the Sigma Rho Delta Blog for Butler Ballet 2014-2015! In this we provide a way for current members to stay updated on our events and allow prospective students the opportunity to look behind the scenes at Butler Ballet by sharing current students' perspectives on our daily lives as Butler Ballet dancers. Classes begin in two short weeks so please check back as the new year gets going for updates on what we are working on and spotlights on the department. But for now, I can give an overview on what this year holds for our program.

This year, we will be welcoming 38 new dance majors, nine of whom are men, to our department! We once again have recently been ranked in the top five dance programs in the country. Not only is this due to the growing list of successful alumni and driven current students, but to our unbelievably passionate, professional and community-oriented faculty. Through their support and true love of teaching, we as students are placed in an environment that allows an overwhelming opportunity for growth as well as a family we can always depend upon.

Butler Ballet's performance season is always full of exciting opportunities for all of our dancers and this year is no exception. Our performances include a Student Choreography Showcase in October, The Nutcracker in December with rehearsals starting shortly after Fall classes begin, our Midwinter Dance Festival with Viva Vivaldi by Gerald Arpino as this year's feature, a Senior Choreography Production in March, and finally The Sleeping Beauty as our Spring Production in April.

We encourage you to comment on these posts with any questions or concerns you may have about the department, Sigma Rho Delta, campus life, or anything about Butler. We have all been in your shoes and know how difficult the college decision can be so please, please, please do not hesitate to ask. If you are interested, you can take a look at last year's blog for past insight, but please do check back as this year gets underway and see what's going on in the department and what it's like to be a part of Butler Ballet.